

Dilemma:  I have to read all three of these by Tuesday.

Problem 1:  I have the reading comprehension of a math major.
Problem 2:  My ability to stay awake is like that of a toddler on a 2 hour car ride. 
Weapon of Choice: Bent, scratched up, reading glasses and caffeine. 
Plan:  Read one book until I start zoning out or my eyes get gloopy and then BAM!! I switch! And like magic, I'm refreshed and able to read for hours more and before I know it, these books will just be faded notches in my bedpost. 

Wish me luck.


  1. YIKES

    That first book, I read for my digital literacy class too. When I was all pumped about eng ed, I loved that book. Really interesting concepts/arguments in there.

    I've never read the book thief, I've heard about it much though.

    What is that third one?

    How did this go?
