

I really dislike the gift-exchanging aspect of Christmas.

But the spirit of materialism manifests itself brilliantly in my family. I love giving gifts, but not when it’s accompanied by expected reciprocity or strategically so your gift is the most appreciated and memorable.

That makes it meaningless.

I’m almost dreading tomorrow because the entire family is getting together out of obligation, not because we actually like each other.

I wish the burnt bridges could be rebuilt.

But the walls are stubborn and impenetrable.

Tension. Grudges. Manipulation. Tears. Scars. Fallacies. Misunderstandings.

There is love, but it’s so misguided that it never reaches its intended destination.

Here’s to hoping that tomorrow, where I’m anticipating awkwardness and swear words, there’ll be a Christmas miracle and the love will find its way.


Best wishes to you and yours.

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