
p.s. I miss you

Back from D.C. I was jazzed about being the one to show it to my mom and grandma for the first time. I developed a new pet peeve in the process: Tourists who are more preoccupied with snapping keepsake photos than experiencing a new place for themselves…obnoxious. More to come on that trip soon.

I’m shoving off to New York tomorrow and then Chicago with a brief pit stop at home to get the wisdom teeth removed. I’m a total wimp when it comes to dentists and painful things happening in my mouth so I’m planning on being completely incapacitated for a sold few days.


In my summer idleness, I’ve discovered that I miss writing my column. I miss being pushed to take a stand and a deadline forcing me to articulate the mess in my head. There might be a new opportunity for this again, but it certainly won’t be the same as it was when I wrote for the Advocate. No editor could ever come close to offering the encouraging criticism and simultaneous motivation as Bob did. I miss the “old days.”

Even today, if I’m nervous about a piece, I shoot it to him before I send it to my real editor. It’s childish insecurity, but I like to think of it as endearing loyalty.


Since hacking my hair off, I’ve been silently willing my follicles to produce luscious locks at an unnatural speed. I miss having hair but I love not having to fuss. In the future when I get frustrated with my do, I won’t hesitate to chop it off again.

I hope my hair heeds the warning: cooperate or else!


In other news, life is getting more complicated as it always does before the fall. I’m hoping to handle it with more grace and maturity than in previous years.

I want nature.

I want simplicity.

I want transcendence

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