On the Resident life website the number three mistake first year RAs make is underestimating the time commitment.
I really thought I knew how it would be, but I was completely caught off guard by the time, emotional, and energy investment this job requires.
Even when I take off the nametag and polo, I’m still an RA. They told me this in training but I was skeptical. However, tonight when I ventured to the Village with friends and a resident asked me a question, I knew I was wrong. This is a 24 hour a day job.
Am I being overly dramatic? Probably.
Thank heavens for the wonderful staff I work with. Like with any job, major or subculture, no one can really understand or relate except those who are involved in it. I wish I could make my friends understand that.
Quotes of the day:
We are icons.
I live in a fishbowl. And I don’t know how to swim.
My life is a program.
I’m sorry to my family and friends, but I just can’t explain. And I’m sorry that it’s all I talk about, but it really is all my life consists of right now.
In other, non-related news, I finally took the Myers Briggs personality test.
I’m INFJ: Intoverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.
The recommended careers for this are librarian (check) and teacher (yes!)
Other notable INFJ’s: Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Goodall, Emily Bronte, Dumbledore, and Carl Jung himself.
Not bad company.
: ) that brightened my day a little.
At the end of the day, like usual I am happy with life and madly in love with the world.